Masjid Putrajaya and Sleeklens Collections

Masjid Putrajaya

Here is a photo I took for the well-known Mosque in Putrajaya, Malaysia. I took the shot few years back and I didn’t get a chance to process it yet. But this week I found it as a very good candidate to test a new kit of processing tools. I produced this photo from a single RAW file using Adobe Photoshop. But this time I processed it differently, I used Photoshop workflow actions bundle for landscape. I really liked how the actions bundle could give the entire image a decent boost in colors and contrast. Get the bundle I used from HERE.

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KLCC Mall, Vertorama and Shadows Recovery

KLCC mall

One of the nice tours I had in Kuala Lumpur ended with having dinner in KLCC mall. I had to take this shot very quickly as the mall shops were about to close, which would make the shot very boring. Also, The shot was handheld for the same reason. KLCC is a mid sized shopping mall located in between the great Twin Towers of Petronas.

واحدة من الجولات الجميلة في كوالالمبور والتى انتهت بتناول وجبة العشاء في مجمع KLCC. اضطررت الى اتخاذ هذه اللقطة بسرعة كبيرة حيث كانت المحلات التجارية فى المركز التجاري على وشك الإغلاق، مما كان من شأنه أن يجعل اللقطة مملة جدا. أيضا، تم أخذ اللقطة والكاميرا محمولة يدويا لنفس السبب. KLCC هو مركز تجاري متوسط الحجم يقع بين البرجين التوأمين بتروناس.

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Petronas Towers Entrance – Behind the scenes

Petronas Entrance
Petronas Entrance – Click HERE to buy this Photo

Since My first visit to Malaysia in 2009, I have fallen completely in love with almost everything there. This is a short “Behind the scenes” video (in Arabic) for one of the shots I have taken for Petronas Towers Entrance. Also, included here below another B&W version of the same photo, which one do you like more?

منذ زيارتى الأولى لماليزيا فى العام 2009 وقد وقعت فى عشق كل شئ شاهدته تقريباً. عندما التقطت هذه الصورة قمت بتسجيل فيديو توضيحي باللغة العربية أشرح فيه كيفية التقاط الصورة. ووضعت ايضا بالأسفل اصدار أحادى اللون (أبيض وأسود) من الصورة، أيهما أفضل فى اعتقادك؟


Petronas Entrance 2